Deal with يتعامل مع
Natural resources مصادر طبيعية
6- Man has to reach a balanced relation with the environment and its components. Hence, education plays an important role in deepening environmental awareness in students and transferring this into good modes of behaviour towards environmental preservation and willingness.
A balanced relation علاقة متوازنة
Components مكونات
Hence هكذا
Deepening تعميق – غرس
Awareness الوعي
Transferring نقل
Behaviour السلوك
Willingness الإرادة
7- No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us. In their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that product, advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses.
Influenced متأثر
Advertisements إعلانات
Pride يفتخر
Good taste ذوق جيد
Exerts Subtle دقيق
Persuade يقنع
Classified ينسق – منسق
Weakness الضعف
A close study دراسة
8- Tourism has become an essential pillar of Egyptian economic activity, with tourist revenue representing about 25% of Egypt's total foreign exchange income. With its outstanding tourist assets, Egypt has gained unique competitive edge on world tourist map.
Essential جوهري –أساسي
Pillar دعامة
Activity نشاط
Revenue دخل قومي
Representing تمثيل
Assets أصول- ممتلكات
Unique فريد
Competitive age مكانة تنافسية
Outstanding رائع
9- Stock market prices have fallen sharply, so private investments must have suffered. Property and land have dropped in value. Thousands of charities will suffer without the support from the Royal Family.
Stock market البورصة
Sharply بحدة
Investment الاستثمار
Properly بصورة لائقة
Dropped in value قلت قيمتها
Charities المؤسسات الخيرية
Royal family الأسرة الملكية – الفخمة
Support دعم
10- Stress can be a friend or an enemy. It can warn you that you are under two much pressure and you should change your way of life. It can kill you if you do not notice the warning signals. Doctors agree that stress is the biggest single cause of illness in the western world.
Stress الضغط
Warn يحذر
Pressure الضغط
Signals الإشارات
11- Needless to say, young people are liable to err, do wrong and be misled through inexperience. Therefore, they should have their faculties trained by practice to distinguish good from evil. If wrong beliefs and evil tendencies are not uprooted (rooted out), they will have a destructive effect on their lives.
Err يخطأ
Inexperience عدم الخبرة
Liable عرضة لـ
Mislead يضل
Distinguish يميز
Beliefs معتقدات
Tendencies ميول– نزعات
Uprooted تنزع
Destructive مدمر
Effect تأثير
12- To seek peace requires a lot of hard work, patience and compromises. It must be worked out in face to face talks between warring parties. Moreover, it is not until an end is put to the cold war between conflicting groups that it is possible to iron out differences.
To seek peace السعى للسلم
Patience الصبر